Annapurna Encounter Home Stay Programs offers various areas in the mid hills of Nepal Himalaya, these home stay programs enables you merge with the locals and interacts and feel free in the harmony of traditional village life you will have an opportunity to observe its rich old cultures, custom and religions way of life as it was from ancient times most of our Home Stay Programs are on driving distances and some with few days trekking with awesome views of snow capped peaks.
Nearly all season is open for a visit except between June and mid September,
the houses are built from local materials and are well constructed and comfortable. The overwhelming impression of the village is a warm and home feeling to it.
Foot trails though the villages are all stone paved. The villagers love, for flowers is shown in an all year around varied of colours. Being on mid hills slopes of the ridge most of the seasons are Mediterranean climate, the village enjoying long sunny day and is ideal for agriculture.
In May 2001 Sirubari in conjunction with Nepal tourism board was awarded the PATA Gold award in recognitions of its efforts to preserve the culture and heritage of Nepali total life.
Our Home stay Programs as follows for your interest these places are for you in homely comfort and environment as extension trip as well before or after your tours or trekking with us:
01: Bandipur Home Stay
02: Ghale Gaon Home Stay
03: Ghatlang Home Stay
04: Fish Tail, Lwang Home Stay
05: Sirubari Home Stay
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